Wreath and Garland Care for Retailers
Folks here at Frosty Mountain want you to be proud to be selling a quality item and for your customers to be dazzled by the special accent pieces you provide them. To help insure the greenery stays lush and springy, we suggest these tips.
Unload promptly
Store in a cool, shady place, avoiding direct sunlight.
Avoid stacking more than 5 wreaths or garland rolls deep.
Mist or hose down each night or early morning.​

The closer greenery remains to its natural state, the longer it will stay hydrated and fresh.
To reduce drying, prolong freshness, and avoid the flattened appearance of greenery:
Unload promptly off the truck to reduce greenery compression.
Store in a cool, shady location (like the woods where they came from). If not possible, burlap or netting covers will help but avoid solid, plastic sheeting or tarps directly ont he greenery.
Stacking more than 5 deep results in a flattened, non-springy appearance of the wreaths. Ideally they would be stored singly. The fewer the better. Also storing a row of greenery hanging on a pole or stacking them at an angle rather than directly on top of each other will reduce compression.
At night and early in the morning, mist or hose down the wreathes and roping. This acts as a heavy dew which the greenery will absorb.